Special Employee Licence

Under Section 80 of the Casino Control Act 2006 (CCA), a person must not exercise any of the functions of a special employee except in accordance with the person’s special employee licence granted by the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA).

GRA grants the following categories of special employee licences:

  1. Category A;
  2. Category B;
  3. Category C1; and
  4. Category C2

Application for Category A, B and C1 Special Employee Licences

An application for a Category A, Category B and Category C1 licence is to be made by a casino operator (or a person intending to apply for a casino licence) on behalf of its employee or any person it intends to employ. This means that a person who wishes to be granted with a special employee licence cannot apply directly to GRA.

Application for Category C2 Special Employee Licence

An application for a Category C2 licence may be made by anyone who provides or proposes to provide technical support services to the casino operator.

Application for Special Employee Licences

Please login to e-Services to access the application portal.

Requests to access the portal can only be made by the casino operators. If you are unable to access the system, please contact the relevant casino operator for further assistance.

Request for review of decision on an application for Special Employee Licence

Any person who is not satisfied with GRA’s decision on a special employee licence application may, within 28 days after being notified of the decision, request GRA for a review of its decision.